What is your definition of longevity?
- Dr Jeff Bitter
Have you ever heard the word Longevity applied to your health? If so, what does that mean for you?
As I move into the 12th year of my clinical practice, the one word that I keep going back to when thinking about what we are all trying to achieve at CustomFit Concierge is Longevity. Inevitably, we are all aging. With age comes a myriad of negatives for our health.
Unfortunately, every tissue in our body slowly degrades over time. Our brain, skin, muscle, nerve, ligaments, heart, lungs, etc. are all slowly degenerating! Yikes.
However, we all have that friend, family member, or co-worker that seems to look and feel like they are 20 years younger than their actual age. Every time we see this person we wonder how they do it. On the flip side, we all have that friend, family member, or co-worker that seems to look and feel like they are 20 years older than their actual age. Every time we see this person we wonder what new ailment or problem will they tell me about this time.
Which 65 year old do you want to be?

The good news is that there are many things we can do to combat aging and look/feel more like the people in picture #1. My definition of Longevity is the practice of maximizing your health throughout your life.
For every person this can be different. Everyone has different genetics, health history, body type, injuries, goals etc. As Physical Therapists, our job is to work with our clients medical team in order to analyze all of these variables to help advise our clients how to most effectively achieve their definition of longevity.
Stay tuned for next month’s newsletter as we will dive deeper into the categories that we focus on when advising clients on how to promote longevity.