What is Concierge Physical Therapy? FAQs with Dr. Sunil Thomas
- Sunil Thomas
In this video, Dr. Sunil Thomas, PT goes over some of the most frequently asked questions about working with CustomFit Concierge, physical therapy, and what our clients can expect.
"Do I really need to do my home exercise program every day?"
The answer is yes. As physical therapists, we have skills and knowledge to help you get from point A to point B of your pain and dysfunction. But there’s a lot of work to be done outside of our sessions to help you continue to make that progress and benefit one session after the other. Therefore, the structured home exercise program is things that we want you to do outside to get to your goals.
"Do I really have to hold that stretch for 30 seconds?"
The short answer is yes, with some caveats. If you’re simply just trying to stretch out before a sporting event or activity, then holding a stretch for about 15 to 20 seconds each is sufficient. But if your goal is to try and improve the flexibility of your muscle, not be so stiff, and improve the length of it, then research has shown that holding stretch for 30 seconds or more is necessary. Stretching frequently every day and every week for a couple months will actually improve that flexibility in life over the long term.
"Do I really need to see PT once/twice/three times a week?"
Yes. We’re not prescribing you this frequency simply because that’s what it says on the physical therapy prescription if you’re referred by a doctor, nor do we just want to see you as much as we can. We’re really trying to take in the full clinical picture, taking into account your medical diagnosis of why you came to see us or why your doctor referred us. We also look at you and your status, muscle pain, strength, flexibility, as well as your ability to stay accountable in keeping up with your home exercise program. Once we have the full picture, we can decide on how often we see each other.
"What does 'concierge' physical therapy mean? Where do we meet for therapy?"
The last most common thing that we as clinicians and therapists get at Custom Fit is “where can we meet?” Good news! We bring the clinic to you. This means we can meet you at your home, office, gym, outside in the park or open area or virtually via telehealth. We stand by our mission statement by making it convenient and flexible to work with us, so we will meet you where you’re at.